Digital Signature Deployment

As more and more businesses move away from hand signatures towards digital signatures, they find themselves having to plan large-scale deployments. As an industry leader in enterprise cryptographic operations management, the Garantir team is experienced in implementing digital signature schemes in the most non-intrusive, secure, and scalable manner possible.

Fast & Secure Digital Signatures

Enterprise digital signatures systems must be secure, scalable, highly performant, and integrated with all of the tools and platforms currently in use. The Garantir team can assist in deploying a digital signature scheme that meets all of your needs.

Code Signing

With a number of high-profile supply chain attacks making headlines in recent years, wherein malicious code is injected into legitimate software and signed with a vendor’s production code signing key, many businesses are taking a hard look at their code signing systems. Garantir is an industry leader in deploying fast and secure code signing systems for the enterprise.

Document Signing

While hand-written signatures remain common, they are neither the most secure nor the most efficient way to sign documents. Garantir can design and deploy a document signing solution that can be used from native tools, such as PDF readers and Microsoft Office programs.

Email Signing

Enforcing digital signatures for all email sent throughout your enterprise ensures the authenticity and integrity of email. This can reduce the risk of a successful phishing attack. Garantir can help deploy systems that use both digital signatures and encryption through S/MIME or PGP to secure email at your enterprise.

Get in Touch with Garantir

Schedule a free consultation to see how the Garantir team can help improve your enterprise's security posture.